Funny String

In this challenge, you will determine whether a string is funny or not. To determine whether a string is funny, create a copy of the string in reverse e.g. . Iterating through each string, compare the absolute difference in the ascii values of the characters at positions 0 and 1, 1 and 2 and so on to the end. If the list of absolute differences is the same for both strings, they are funny.

Determine whether a give string is funny. If it is, return Funny, otherwise return Not Funny.


A pangram is a string that contains every letter of the alphabet. Given a sentence determine whether it is a pangram in the English alphabet. Ignore case. Return either pangram or not pangram as appropriate.

HackerRank in a String!

We say that a string contains the word hackerrank if a subsequence of its characters spell the word hackerrank. Remeber that a subsequence maintains the order of characters selected from a sequence.

More formally, let p[0], p[1], … , p[9] be the respective indices of h, a, c, k, e, r, r, a, n, k in string s. If p[0] < p[1] < p[2] < … < p[9] is true, then s contains hackerrank.

For each query, print YES on a new line if the string contains hackerrank, otherwise, print NO.

Strong Password

Louise joined a social networking site to stay in touch with her friends. The signup page required her to input a name and a password. However, the password must be strong. The website considers a password to be strong if it satisfies the following criteria:

  • Its length is at least 6.
  • It contains at least one digit.
  • It contains at least one lowercase English character.
  • It contains at least one uppercase English character.
  • It contains at least one special character. The special characters are: !@#$%^&*()-+

She typed a random string of length n in the password field but wasn’t sure if it was strong. Given the string she typed, can you find the minimum number of characters she must add to make her password strong?

Note: Here’s the set of types of characters in a form you can paste in your solution:

numbers = "0123456789"
lower_case = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
special_characters = "!@#$%^&*()-+"

Quicksort 1 - Partition

The previous challenges covered Insertion Sort, which is a simple and intuitive sorting algorithm with a running time of O(n2). In these next few challenges, we’re covering a divide-and-conquer algorithm called Quicksort (also known as Partition Sort). This challenge is a modified version of the algorithm that only addresses partitioning. It is implemented as follows:

Running Time of Algorithms

In a previous challenge you implemented the Insertion Sort algorithm. It is a simple sorting algorithm that works well with small or mostly sorted data. However, it takes a long time to sort large unsorted data. To see why, we will analyze its running time.

Correctness and the Loop Invariant

In the previous challenge, you wrote code to perform an Insertion Sort on an unsorted array. But how would you prove that the code is correct? I.e. how do you show that for any input your code will provide the right output?

Insertion Sort - Part 2

In Insertion Sort Part 1, you inserted one element into an array at its correct sorted position. Using the same approach repeatedly, can you sort an entire array?

Guideline: You already can place an element into a sorted array. How can you use that code to build up a sorted array, one element at a time? Note that in the first step, when you consider an array with just the first element, it is already sorted since there’s nothing to compare it to.

In this challenge, print the array after each iteration of the insertion sort, i.e., whenever the next element has been inserted at its correct position. Since the array composed of just the first element is already sorted, begin printing after placing the second element.

Insertion Sort - Part 1


One common task for computers is to sort data. For example, people might want to see all their files on a computer sorted by size. Since sorting is a simple problem with many different possible solutions, it is often used to introduce the study of algorithms.

Absolute Permutation

We define P to be a permutation of the first n natural numbers in the range [1, n]. Let pos[i] denote the value at position i in permutation P using 1-based indexing.

P is considered to be an absolute permutation if |pos[i] - i| = k holds true for every .

Given n and k, print the lexicographically smallest absolute permutation P. If no absolute permutation exists, print -1.

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