In this challenge, we learn about JavaScript Dates. Check out the attached tutorial for more details.
Given a date string, dateString, in the format MM/DD/YYYY, find and return the day name for that date. Each day name must be one of the following strings: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday. For example, the day name for the date 12/07/2016 is Wednesday.
Input Format
Locked stub code in the editor reads the following input from stdin:
The first line contains an integer, d, denoting the number of dates to check.
Each line i of the d subsequent lines contains a date in MM/DD/YYYY format; each date denotes some dateString that is passed to the function.
- It is guaranteed that the input only consists of valid dates.
Output Format
The function must return a string denoting the day of the week corresponding to the date denoted by dateString.
Sample Input 0
1 | 2 |
Sample Output 0
1 | Sunday |
Explanation 0
The function is called for the following d = 2 dates:
- The date 10/11/2009 was a Sunday, so we return Sunday.
- The date 11/10/2010 was a Wednesday, so we return Wednesday.
1 | // The days of the week are: "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" |