Quicksort 1 - Partition

Quicksort 1 - Partition

The previous challenges covered Insertion Sort, which is a simple and intuitive sorting algorithm with a running time of O(n2). In these next few challenges, we’re covering a divide-and-conquer algorithm called Quicksort (also known as Partition Sort). This challenge is a modified version of the algorithm that only addresses partitioning. It is implemented as follows:

Step 1: Divide

Choose some pivot element, p, and partition your unsorted array, arr, into three smaller arrays: left, right, and equal, where each element in left < p, each element in right > p, and each element in equal = p.


arr = [5, 7, 4, 3, 8]

In this challenge, the pivot will always be at arr[0], so the pivot is 5.

arr is divided into left = {4,3}, equal = {5}, and right = {7,8}. Putting them all together, you get {4,3,5,7,8}. There is a flexible checker that allows the elements of left and right to be in any order. For example, {3,4,5,8,7} is valid as well.

Given arr and p = arr[0], partition arr into left, right, and equal using the Divide instructions above. Return a 1-dimensional array containing each element in left first, followed by each element in equal, followed by each element in right.

Function Description

Complete the quickSort function in the editor below.

quickSort has the following parameter(s):

  • int arr[n]: arr[0] is the pivot element


  • int[n]: an array of integers as described above

Input Format

The first line contains n, the size of arr. The second line contains n space-separated integers arr[i] (the unsorted array). The first integer, arr[0], is the pivot element, p.


  • 1 <= n <= 1000
  • -1000 <= arr[i] <= 1000 where 0 <= i < n
  • All elements are distinct.

Sample Input

STDIN       Function
----- --------
5 arr[] size n =5
4 5 3 7 2 arr =[4, 5, 3, 7, 2]

Sample Output

3 2 4 5 7


arr = [4,5,3,7,2,] Pivot: p = arr[0] = 4.

left = {}; equal = {4}; right = {}

arr[1] = 5 > p, so it is added to right.

left = {}; equal = {4}; right = {5}

arr[2] = 3 < p, so it is added to left.

left = {3}; equal = {4}; right = {5}

arr[3] = 7 > p, so it is added to right.

left = {3}; equal = {4}; right = {5,7}

arr[4] = 2 < p, so it is added to left.

left = {3,2}; equal = {4}; right = {5,7}

Return the array {32457}.

The order of the elements to the left and right of 4 does not need to match this answer. It is only required that 3 and 2 are to the left of 4, and 5 and 7 are to the right.


* Complete the 'quickSort' function below.
* The function is expected to return an INTEGER_ARRAY.
* The function accepts INTEGER_ARRAY arr as parameter.

function quickSort(arr) {
// Write your code here
const result = [[], [], []];

arr.reduce((target, item, index) => {
result[(item > arr[0]) + (item >= arr[0])].push(item);

return target;
}, []);

return result.flat();
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