The Time in Words

Given the time in numerals we may convert it into words, as shown below:

5:00 -> five o’clock

5:01 -> one minute past five

5:10 -> ten minutes past five

5:15 -> quarter past five

5:30 -> half past five

5:40 -> twenty minutes to six

5:45 -> quarter to six

5:47 -> thirteen minutes to six

5:28 -> twenty eight minutes past

At minutes = 0, use o’ clock. For 1 <= minutes <= 30, use past, and for 30 < minutes use to. Note the space between the apostrophe and clock in o' clock. Write a program which prints the time in words for the input given in the format described.

Halloween Sale

You wish to buy video games from the famous online video game store Mist.

Usually, all games are sold at the same price, p dollars. However, they are planning to have the seasonal Halloween Sale next month in which you can buy games at a cheaper price. Specifically, the first game you buy during the sale will be sold at p dollars, but every subsequent game you buy will be sold at exactly d dollars less than the cost of the previous one you bought. This will continue until the cost becomes less than or equal to m dollars, after which every game you buy will cost m dollars each.

For example, if p = 20, d = 3 and m = 6, then the following are the costs of the first 11 games you buy, in order:

20, 17, 14, 11, 8, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6

You have s dollars in your Mist wallet. How many games can you buy during the Halloween Sale?

Minimum Distances

We define the distance between two array values as the number of indices between the two values. Given a, find the minimum distance between any pair of equal elements in the array. If no such value exists, print -1.

For example, if a = [3,2,1,2,3], there are two matching pairs of values: 3 and 2. The indices of the 3‘s are i = 0 and j = 4, so their distance is d[i,j] = |j - i| = 4. The indices of the 2‘s are i = 1 and j = 3, so their distance is d|i,j| = |j - i| = 2.

Beautiful Triplets

Given a sequence of integers a, a triplet (a[i],a[j],a[k]) is beautiful if:

  • i < j < k
  • a[j] - a[i] = a[k] - a[j] = d

Given an increasing sequenc of integers and the value of d, count the number of beautiful triplets in the sequence.

For example, the sequence arr = [2,2,3,4,5] and d = 1. There are three beautiful triplets, by index: [i,j,k]=[0,2,3], [1,2,3], [2,3,4]. To test the first triplet, arr[j] - arr[i] = 3 - 2 = 1 and arr[k] - arr[j] = 4 - 3 = 1.

Organizing Containers of Balls

David has several containers, each with a number of balls in it. He has just enough containers to sort each type of ball he has into its own container. David wants to sort the balls using his sort method.

As an example, David has n = 2 containers and 2 different types of balls, both of which are numbered from 0 to n - 1 = 1. The distribution of ball types per container are described by n x n an matrix of integers, M[container][type]. For example, consider the following diagram for M = [[1, 4], [2, 3]]:

Modified Kaprekar Numbers

A modified Kaprekar number is a positive whole number with a special property. If you square it, then split the number into two integers and sum those integers, you have the same value you started with.

Consider a positive whole number n with d digits. We square n to arrive at a number that is either 2 x d digits long or (2 x d) - 1 digits long. Split the string representation of the square into two parts, l and r. The right hand part, r must be d digits long. The left is the remaining substring. Convert those two substrings back to integers, add them and see if you get n.

For example, if n = 5, d = 1 then n2 = 25. We split that into two strings and convert them back to integers 2 and 5. We test , so this is not a modified Kaprekar number. If n = 9, still d = 1, and n2 = 81. This gives us 1 + 8 = 9, the original n.

Bigger is Greater

Lexicographical order is often known as alphabetical order when dealing with strings. A string is greater than another string if it comes later in a lexicographically sorted list.

Given a word, create a new word by swapping some or all of its characters. This new word must meet two criteria:

  • It must be greater than the original word
  • It must be the smallest word that meets the first condition

For example, given the word w = abcd, the next largest word is abdc.

Complete the function biggerIsGreater below to create and return the new string meeting the criteria. If it is not possible, return no answer.


An English text needs to be encrypted using the following encryption scheme.

First, the spaces are removed from the text. Let L be the length of this text.

Then, characters are written into a grid, whose rows and columns have the following constraints:


There are a number of people who will be attending ACM-ICPC World Finals. Each of them may be well versed in a number of topics. Given a list of topics known by each attendee, you must determine the maximum number of topics a 2-person team can know. Also find out how many ways a team can be formed to know that many topics. Lists will be in the form of bit strings, where each string represents an attendee and each position in that string represents a field of knowledge, 1 if its a known field or 0 if not.

For example, given three attendees’ data as follows:


Queen's Attack II

You will be given a square chess board with one queen and a number of obstacles placed on it. Determine how many squares the queen can attack.

A queen is standing on an n x n chessboard. The chess board’s rows are numbered from 1 to n, going from bottom to top. Its columns are numbered from 1 to n, going from left to right. Each square is referenced by a tuple, (r, c), describing the row, r, and column, c, where the square is located.

The queen is standing at position (rq, cq). In a single move, she can attack any square in any of the eight directions (left, right, up, down, and the four diagonals). In the diagram below, the green circles denote all the cells the queen can attack from (4, 4):

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