3D Surface Area

Madison is a little girl who is fond of toys. Her friend Mason works in a toy manufacturing factory. Mason has a 2D board A of size with H rows and W columns. The board is divided into cells of size with each cell indicated by its coordinate (i,j). The cell (i,j) has an integer Aij written on it. To create the toy Mason stacks Aij number of cubes of size on the cell (i, j).

Given the description of the board showing the values of Aij and that the price of the toy is equal to the 3d surface area find the price of the toy.

Strange Counter

There is a strange counter. At the first second, it displays the number 3. Each second, the number displayed by decrements by 1 until it reaches 1. In next second, the timer resets to 2 X the initial number for the prior cycle and continues counting down. The diagram below shows the counter values for each time t in the first three cycles:

Find and print the value displayed by the counter at time t.

Happy Ladybugs

Happy Ladybugs is a board game having the following properties:

  • The board is represented by a string, b, of length n. The ith character of the string, b[i], denotes the ith cell of the board.
    • If b[i] is an underscore (i.e., _), it means the ith cell of the board is empty.
    • If b[i] is an uppercase English alphabetic letter (ascii[A-Z]), it means the ith cell contains a ladybug of color b[i].
    • String b will not contain any other characters.
  • A ladybug is happy only when its left or right adjacent cell (i.e., ) is occupied by another ladybug having the same color.
    In a single move, you can move a ladybug from its current position to any empty cell.
    Given the values of and for games of Happy Ladybugs, determine if it’s possible to make all the ladybugs happy. For each game, return YES if all the ladybugs can be made happy through some number of moves. Otherwise, return NO.

The Grid Search

Given an array of strings of digits, try to find the occurrence of a given pattern of digits. In the grid and pattern arrays, each string represents a row in the grid. For example, consider the following grid:


The pattern array is:


The pattern begins at the second row and the third column of the grid and continues in the following two rows. The pattern is said to be present in the grid. The return value should be YES or NO, depending on whether the pattern is found. In this case, return YES.

Manasa and Stones

Manasa is out on a hike with friends. She finds a trail of stones with numbers on them. She starts following the trail and notices that any two consecutive stones’ numbers differ by one of two values. Legend has it that there is a treasure trove at the end of the trail. If Manasa can guess the value of the last stone, the treasure will be hers.

Cavity Map

You are given a square map as a matrix of integer strings. Each cell of the map has a value denoting its depth. We will call a cell of the map a cavity if and only if this cell is not on the border of the map and each cell adjacent to it has strictly smaller depth. Two cells are adjacent if they have a common side, or edge.

Find all the cavities on the map and replace their depths with the uppercase character X.

Chrome으로 Android Debugging 방법

Android 디바이스의 모바일 브라우저 환경과 PC Chrome 브라우저에서는 서로 다르게 동작하거나, 다르게 화면이 보이는 경우가 있습니다.
매번 배포한 후 디바이스에서 테스트하는 것은 시간이 많이 소요되며, 빠르게 이슈 파악하여 대응하기 어려워지기도 합니다.
여기 PC에서 Android 디바이스의 브라우저를 디버깅할 수 있는 방법을 소개합니다.

iPhone Safari Debugging 방법

모바일 Safari 브라우저는 MacOS 환경의 Safari 브라우저와 다른 동작 또는 화면을 보여주는 경우가 있습니다.
그래서 모바일 웹 브라우저 환경에서 개발을 진행할 때마다 모바일 Safari 브라우저에서 디버깅해야 합니다.
여기 모바일 Safari 브라우저 디버깅할 수 있는 방법을 소개합니다.

TypeScript Basics


기존의 자바스크립트로 만든 프로젝트는 규모가 커지고 코드가 복잡해질수록 디버그와 테스트 단계에 검수 시간이 늘어났었습니다.

이를 극복하고자 나온 자바스크립트 대체 언어 중 하나가 TypeScript(타입스크립트)입니다.

Fair Rations

You are the benevolent ruler of Rankhacker Castle, and today you’re distributing bread. Your subjects are in a line, and some of them already have some loaves. Times are hard and your castle’s food stocks are dwindling, so you must distribute as few loaves as possible according to the following rules:

  1. Every time you give a loaf of bread to some person i, you must also give a loaf of bread to the person immediately in front of or behind them in the line (i.e., persons i + 1 or i - 1).
  2. After all the bread is distributed, each person must have an even number of loaves.

Given the number of loaves already held by each citizen, find and print the minimum number of loaves you must distribute to satisfy the two rules above. If this is not possible, print NO.

For example, the people in line have loaves B = [4,5,6,7]. We can first give a loaf to i = 3 and i = 4 so B = [4,5,7,8]. Next we give a loaf to i = 2 and i = 3 and have B = [4,6,8,8] which satisfies our conditions. We had to distribute 4 loaves.

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