Bigger is Greater

Lexicographical order is often known as alphabetical order when dealing with strings. A string is greater than another string if it comes later in a lexicographically sorted list.

Given a word, create a new word by swapping some or all of its characters. This new word must meet two criteria:

  • It must be greater than the original word
  • It must be the smallest word that meets the first condition

For example, given the word w = abcd, the next largest word is abdc.

Complete the function biggerIsGreater below to create and return the new string meeting the criteria. If it is not possible, return no answer.


An English text needs to be encrypted using the following encryption scheme.

First, the spaces are removed from the text. Let L be the length of this text.

Then, characters are written into a grid, whose rows and columns have the following constraints:


There are a number of people who will be attending ACM-ICPC World Finals. Each of them may be well versed in a number of topics. Given a list of topics known by each attendee, you must determine the maximum number of topics a 2-person team can know. Also find out how many ways a team can be formed to know that many topics. Lists will be in the form of bit strings, where each string represents an attendee and each position in that string represents a field of knowledge, 1 if its a known field or 0 if not.

For example, given three attendees’ data as follows:


Queen's Attack II

You will be given a square chess board with one queen and a number of obstacles placed on it. Determine how many squares the queen can attack.

A queen is standing on an n x n chessboard. The chess board’s rows are numbered from 1 to n, going from bottom to top. Its columns are numbered from 1 to n, going from left to right. Each square is referenced by a tuple, (r, c), describing the row, r, and column, c, where the square is located.

The queen is standing at position (rq, cq). In a single move, she can attack any square in any of the eight directions (left, right, up, down, and the four diagonals). In the diagram below, the green circles denote all the cells the queen can attack from (4, 4):

Non-Divisible Subset

Given a set of distinct integers, print the size of a maximal subset of S where the sum of any 2 numbers in S is not evenly divisible by k.

For example, the array S = [19,10,12,10,24,25,22] and k = 4. One of the arrays that can be created is S[0] = [10,12,25]. Another is S[1] = [19,22,24]. After testing all permutations, the maximum length solution array has 3 elements.

Taum and B'day

Taum is planning to celebrate the birthday of his friend, Diksha. There are two types of gifts that Diksha wants from Taum: one is black and the other is white. To make her happy, Taum has to buy b black gifts and w white gifts.

  • The cost of each black gift is bc units.
  • The cost of every white gift is wc units.
  • The cost of converting each black gift into white gift or vice versa is units.

Help Taum by deducing the minimum amount he needs to spend on Diksha’s gifts.

For example, if Taum wants to buy b = 3 black gifts and w = 5 white gifts at a cost of bc = 3, wc = 4 and conversion cost z = 1, we see that he can buy a black gift for 3 and convert it to a white gift for 1, making the total cost of each white gift 4. That matches the cost of a white gift, so he can do that or just buy black gifts and white gifts. Either way, the overall cost is 3 * 3 + 5 * 4 = 29.

Append and Delete

You have a string of lowercase English alphabetic letters. You can perform two types of operations on the string:

  1. Append a lowercase English alphabetic letter to the end of the string.
  2. Delete the last character in the string. Performing this operation on an empty string results in an empty string.

Given an integer, k, and two strings, s and t, determine whether or not you can convert s to t by performing exactly k of the above operations on s. If it’s possible, print Yes. Otherwise, print No.

For example, strings s = [a,b,c] and t = [d,e,f]. Our number of moves, k = 6. To convert s to t, we first delete all of the characters in 3 moves. Next we add each of the characters of t in order. On the 6th move, you will have the matching string. If there had been more moves available, they could have been eliminated by performing multiple deletions on an empty string. If there were fewer than 6 moves, we would not have succeeded in creating the new string.

Mars Exploration

Sami’s spaceship crashed on Mars! She sends a series of SOS messages to Earth for help.

Letters in some of the SOS messages are altered by cosmic radiation during transmission. Given the signal received by Earth as a string, s, determine how many letters of Sami’s SOS have been changed by radiation.

For example, Earth receives SOSTOT. Sami’s original message was SOSSOS. Two of the message characters were changed in transit.

Mac OS 개발 환경 설정 Guide


처음 MacOS 환경에서 접하는 FrontEnd 개발자 분들에게 개발 환경을 설정하는 방법을 소개하려 합니다.
이 글을 통해 기본적인 설정을 쉽게 진행해보시기 바랍니다. (macOS Mojave 기준)

Equalize the Array

Karl has an array of integers. He wants to reduce the array until all remaining elements are equal. Determine the minimum number of elements to delete to reach his goal.

For example, if his array is arr = [1,2,2,3], we see that he can delete the 2 elements 1 and 3 leaving arr = [2,2]. He could also delete both twos and either the 1 or the 3, but that would take 3 deletions. The minimum number of deletions is 2.

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